NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 615: 2 consecutive championships

He thought that winning the championship for the second time would not be as exciting as the first time.

But when he was really about to win the second championship trophy, he realized that he was wrong.

Standing on the sidelines, Lian Dao couldn\'t help clenching his fists and then loosening them.

The heartbeat of "bang~bang~bang" can be clearly heard even by himself.

The sound of breathing became rapid and heavy, just like when he first stepped on the field.

But this time, Lian Dao wasn\'t nervous at all, only excited.

Not all goals and ideals are lucky enough to be achieved, especially championships.

This not only requires absolute strength, but also requires a little bit of luck.

Fortunately, although the Knicks experienced twists and turns of injuries this season, they finally came to the end and reached the top.

At this moment, standing on the top of the mountain, I felt a great sense of happiness in my heart.

All the difficulties experienced before disappeared in this moment.


There is nothing more convincing than this record.

Throughout the history of the NBA Finals, few NBA teams have done it.

Now that the Knicks have accomplished this feat, no team in the league dares to underestimate the Knicks.

Now who dares to say that the New York Knicks are the cemetery of stars? Who would dare to laugh at the Knicks for never getting ahead?

If there were people who said it was good luck to win the championship last year, what about two consecutive championships?

Trust me enough to shut everyone up!

At this time, in the luxury box, Knicks owner James Dolan, who was about to leave the field to attend the awards ceremony, was equally excited.

Two years ago, he would never have imagined that the New York Knicks would win the championship for two consecutive years.

When Lian Dao was selected with the No. 1 pick in the draft, James Dolan was taking a gamble.

The potential of Lian Dao and the market behind it made James Dolan salivate.

But again, the vulnerable physique of Asians once gave James Dolan some hesitation.

But in the end he chose to gamble!

The potential shown by Lian Dao really touched his heart, and he was also glad that he did not change his mind and chose the "White Warcraft" Blake Griffin.

In the past few years, the arrival of Lian Dao can be said to have changed the entire New York Knicks.

Not to mention anything else, the market value of the New York Knicks has almost doubled.

The owners of the other 29 teams in the league watched James Dolan make a lot of money, and they all scolded him behind his back for his **** luck.

"Two consecutive championships, really two consecutive championships..."

James Dolan kept muttering.

Although two consecutive championships have long been a certainty, some are only a matter of time.

But when this moment really came, James Dolan still couldn\'t calm down.

He is a pure businessman, but it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t like honor, especially this guy is a person who likes to show off.

The two consecutive championships undoubtedly increased his bragging rights again.

From being a fool with a lot of money to being the most successful team owner in the league, James Dolan can be said to have completed a gorgeous transformation!

"That\'s right, Boss, it\'s unbelievable that we achieved two consecutive championships! Sickle played a decisive role in this!"

Donny Walsh was also a little bit embarrassed in his words.

Isaiah Thomas was exposed to a scandal that year, and even almost ruined the Knicks.

As a last resort, James Dolan could only mention Donnie Walsh to the position of general manager.

And Donnie Walsh as the general manager is more of a fire captain launched by James Dolan.

Originally, James Dolan thought that after the situation subsided, he would let Isaiah Thomas return to the team management again.

However, the arrival and growth of Lian Dao allowed Donnie Walsh to secure the position of general manager.

Especially after the Knicks showed their ability to win the championship in their rookie season under the leadership of Lian Dao.

Even James Dolan, who doesn\'t understand the ball, didn\'t dare to make other showy operations.

There is no such nonsense as in history, such as issuing a joint statement and hiring Isaiah Thomas as the team\'s honorary advisor.

"Hahaha, that\'s right, Sickle is my goddess of luck... no, it\'s a male god!"

"Donnie, your most important task this summer is to renew Sickle\'s contract with an unconditional maximum salary!"

"I have a hunch Sickle will become the Michael of this era!"

James Dolan\'s words were very serious and solemn, which gave Downey a feeling that there was nothing to lose.

Indeed, during his rookie contract period, Lian Dao not only fulfilled his talents, but also demonstrated strong commercial value.

I believe that no team owner will watch his cash cow fly away.

"Don\'t worry, boss, I will definitely keep Sickle in the Knicks!"

Donnie Walsh had just finished speaking when an electronic buzzer sounded from the center of the court to signify the end of the game.

4:0, the Knicks swept the Thunder and won the finals!

A new dynasty is gradually taking shape!

"It took only three years for Sickle and his team to go from a big team in the Eastern Conference to two consecutive championships, from a rookie to a superstar in the league!"

"Although the success of the Knicks and Sickle is difficult to replicate, this is not an accident. This is the dream of a group of young people chasing a championship!"

"Fortunately, they succeeded!"

"Of course, the Thunder boys also showed great potential in the finals, but it is a pity that their opponents are stronger."

"But don\'t be discouraged. Before any team becomes great, it will be baptized by failure. I believe that the Thunder will be even stronger next season!"

"Now, let\'s cheer for the new NBA champion!"

With the cheers of the Knicks fans at the scene, Kenny Smith couldn\'t help standing up excitedly.

The story of the New York Knicks is definitely legendary in the league.

From the wasteland to the strong, from the eastern belly to two consecutive championships.

Under the leadership of Lian Dao, the Knicks can be said to have completed a counterattack all the way when everyone was not optimistic.

Two consecutive championships, although not as great as a three-peat dynasty, is also a remarkable achievement.

"Big Dream" firmly occupies the position of the Rockets\' greatest player by virtue of Jordan\'s two consecutive championships during his first retirement.

After O\'Neal left the Lakers, if Kobe hadn\'t won two consecutive championships, his historical status would definitely not be as good as it is now.

Two consecutive championships, this is an honor that many players can hardly touch in their lifetime.

Not to mention two consecutive championships, it is a championship. There are so many superstars in the league that it is difficult to match.

And now, after the Los Angeles Lakers, another super overlord in the league is being born!

At the end of the game, the entire Knicks fell into madness.

Cousins, Jeremy Lin and Gallinari ran all over the field.

Millsap jumped directly on Lian Dao, and without any precautions, he almost turned Lian Dao over.

Don\'t underestimate this guy, but he\'s as strong as a calf, otherwise he wouldn\'t be able to gain a foothold in the inside line surrounded by giants.

After Lian Dao put down Millsap, he turned around and saw the excited mustache D\'Antoni.

This is the second championship in his coaching career. Although he had already tasted the sweetness of the champion coach last year, no head coach has too many championships.

Mustache has made a lot of changes this season, especially he is no longer obsessed with running and bombing and extreme offense.

Instead, it really achieves both offense and defense.

It was during the Rockets period that the mustaches in history really made changes.

Especially the Rockets led by the "light bulb combination" played unlimited defenses that year, and almost didn\'t pull the peak "Cosmos Brave" off the stage.

It is not easy for D\'Antoni to make changes after winning the first championship.

You must know that not everyone has the courage to choose to jump out of the comfort zone and accept something new after receiving great honors.

But D\'Antoni has done it, whether it is him now or in history.

Lian Dao stepped forward and gave her mentor a big hug.

The two have been together for three years, has not been smooth sailing, and there have been differences and conflicts during the running-in, but this does not affect the friendship between the two teachers and students.

"Hey Mike, we\'ve got a two-peat!"

Lian Dao said excitedly when he hugged D\'Antoni.

"Thank you, sickle!"

D\'Antoni patted Lian Dao\'s shoulder with some regret.

The goal that was not achieved in Phoenix that year, did not expect to be achieved in New York.

D\'Antoni knew that Lian Dao took the main credit here.

D\'Antoni didn\'t take the credit for the two consecutive championships, especially at many critical moments, Lian Dao saved the team from fire and water.

These are not things that can be done at the tactical level, but the ultimate manifestation of a player\'s super strength.

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